
Keeping Your Dog Safe this Spring

Just like any season, spring rolls in with its own set of health hazards for our canine companions. Keep your pooch safe by following these safety tips from a Southeast Denver veterinarian.

Spring Cleaning

Just about all of the household cleaning solutions you use to clean your home contain at least one chemical that’s harmful to pets. It’s safest to keep your pet in another room while you’re cleaning. Also make sure that all chemical solutions are stored safely in a locked cabinet—a determined dog can chew right through a plastic cap!

Pesticides and Fertilizers

As the weather warms, we may spray fertilizers on our lawns and pesticides on our gardens. These products may work well to promote growth and keep bugs away, but they’re also potential poisons to our furry friends! These chemicals could cause serious health problems to dogs, so it’s important to keep them indoors while spraying pesticides or fertilizers. Make sure your dog doesn’t come in contact with treated plants or grass after you’re finished.


Humans aren’t the only ones who have to worry about the sniffling and sneezing that allergies cause during springtime. Dogs can react to dust, dirt, and pollen in the air as well. Consult your veterinarian to get your dog on medication to prevent serious symptoms.

Outdoor Pests

Now that winter has left, outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, and parasitic worms like to come out of hiding and infest our dogs. The best way to prevent infections is to keep your pooch on a quality flea, tick, and heartworm preventative. Your veterinarian can offer a recommendation and tell you about other preventatives your pet may benefit from.

Proper Identification

Your dog is probably itching to get outdoors and spend some time in the sun. While we never plan on our pets getting lost or escaping when they’re outside, the best way to ensure they get back quickly and safely in the event of an accident is to have their identification properly updated. Make sure your dog’s tags have your most recent information on them. You may even consider having your dog microchipped, which is a more permanent and secure form of identification.

Call your Southeast Denver veterinarian to get more information on microchips, and ask about other safety tips to keep your pooch safe and sound this spring.

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