
Help Your Senior Cat Thrive With Special Care

Your cat Trixie would make an excellent company president. This ten-year-old orange tabby has excellent managerial skills, as she makes your two younger cats and dog mind their manners. Your feline housemate is also an accomplished negotiator, as she often convinces you to drop what you’re doing and give her a good belly rub. Since you’d like to help Trixie remain active, your Aurora veterinarian will give your cat twice-yearly physical exams. He’ll also create a special senior health program for your lucky girl.

Senior-Focused Nutrition

Senior cats’ metabolisms, and therefore their weights, can have wide variations. While Trixie seems chubbier, your brother’s older cat has clearly become thinner as he has aged. Since the vet wants your cat to return to a normal weight, he’ll determine her nutritional needs and regular activity level. He’ll recommend a tasty balanced diet that will help to manage her weight.

Closely track her weight with a scale that displays even tiny changes. If the number suddenly goes down, she might be developing a medical condition. Get your cat to the vet for a timely diagnosis and treatment.

Regular Brushing Sessions

Although Trixie isn’t obsessed with her looks, she appreciates the value of daily grooming. She knows that brushing collects stray hair that could otherwise create bothersome hairballs. Brushing also stimulates her skin and heightens her circulation, both improving coat health. If your feline companion donated her scratching post to the animal shelter, trim her claws regularly.

Secret Physical Checkup

While your cat soaks up the attention, you’re giving her a secret physical exam. As you run your hands over her coat and skin, you feel for anything unusual. If you sense a potential problem, take your feline housemate to the vet immediately.

Low-Stress Living

Your feline matriarch needs a minimum-stress lifestyle. If you’re forced to disrupt her routine, compensate by lavishing more attention on your deserving cat. Before an upcoming vacation or business trip, ask a familiar friend, neighbor, or family member to spoil your cat in their home. Also, Trixie has requested that you refrain from bringing more pets home while she’s managing your household.

During Trixie’s regular checkups, your Aurora veterinarian will tweak her health plan. He’ll also identify and treat developing medical problems. If you’d like your cat to enjoy a special senior health program, call us for expert assistance.

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