
Guinea Pig Nutrition

Have you recently decided to get a Guinea pig? These little furballs, also known as cavies, are very cute and charming, and make wonderful pets. Just like any other animal, Guinea pigs need a comfy habitat, a proper diet, and stimulation in order to thrive. Below, an Aurora, CO vet discusses Guinea pig nutrition.


You can give your little one commercial food for his main menu. We also recommend giving your tiny furball fresh quality hay, such as Timothy hay. It’s great for both your cavy’s digestion and dental health!


In addition to his pellets, your little pal should have some fresh veggies every day. It’s very important that Guinea pigs get Vitamin C in their diets, as a deficiency can make your pet quite sick. Be sure to provide plenty of veggies that contain this essential vitamin. Dandelion leaves, chickweed, Romaine lettuce, carrots, green peppers, and zucchini are all suitable choices. Keep in mind that not all veggies are safe for daily consumption. Some, such as pumpkin, cabbage, lettuce, and cucumbers, should only be fed once or twice weekly. Your tiny furball also can have Swiss chard, collard greens, mustard greens, radishes, and spinach on occasion.


Cavies can enjoy many different fruits. Some safe fruits include apples, bananas, pineapples, melons, pears, peaches, plums, mandarins, and oranges. Be sure to remove any seeds! Berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are all safe as occasional treats, though you don’t want to overdo it with these sugary snacks.


Guinea pigs often enjoy nibbling fresh herbs. Cilantro is a great choice. Tiny amounts of thyme and parsley are also safe. Oregano, peppermint, and spearmint can be fed on occasion.

Foods To Avoid

Many of our favorite snacks can make our animal friends very sick. Always research new foods to be sure they are safe before giving them to your tiny pal. Some of the foods to avoid include chocolate; caffeine; potato and tomato plant leaves; garlic, onion, scallions, and chives; alcohol; and fried or sugary foods.


Always research new foods before feeding them to your furball, and introduce anything new slowly, to be sure your cavy can digest it properly. Ask your vet for specific recommendations, including portion sizes.

Please contact us, your Aurora, CO vet clinic with any questions or concerns you have about Guinea pig care. We are here to help!

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