
Taking Fluffy to the Vet

Did you know that August 22nd is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day? We know, Fluffy would much rather be celebrating Hug Your Cat Day or Give Your Kitty A New Catnip Mouse Day. However, your furry pal will be much healthier—and therefore happier—with proper veterinary care. An Aurora, CO vet offers tips on taking your kitty to the vet in this article.

Basic Care

Your feline pal’s exact veterinary care needs will change a bit over time. We recommend that all kitties be microchipped and spayed or neutered before they reach maturity. Little Fluffy will also need to get started on her vaccinations, exams, and parasite control products. Adult kitties usually need to come in about once a year, though some cats will need more frequent appointments. Outdoor kitties, for instance, benefit from seeing the vet more often. They are more likely to get injured, and are also more exposed to parasites and other hazards. Senior kitties also should come in more than once a year. Just like people, cats can develop medical issues in their golden years, and may need to see the doctor more often. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule.


In between your kitty’s regular appointments, watch for signs of illness or injury. Some common ones are hiding, poor grooming, reduced appetite, unusual behavior or vocalizations, respiratory issues, vomiting, and diarrhea. Litterbox issues can also be a warning sign, as are fever, lethargy, and trembling. Call your vet immediately if you see any of these red flags. Early diagnosis and treatment are always very helpful when treating health problems in our animal companions.

The Trip

Car rides are definitely not one of Fluffy’s favorite things. Your kitty may bolt for her favorite hiding spot as soon as she sees her carrier! To make the trip a little easier on your cat, put comfy bedding and some toys in the carrier. On the trip to the veterinary clinic, keep a window rolled partway down, so your furball always gets fresh air. Try to avoid bumps, potholes, and sudden stops or starts. If your furry friend gets extremely nervous in the car, ask your vet about using cat-calming products, like sprays or treats.

Please feel free to contact us, your Aurora, CO vet clinic, for all of your cat’s veterinary care needs. We are here to help!

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